Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Just Friends?

Anyone else hate it when a guy you like asks you to hang out as "just friends"? It sucks right? I had that happen today... Let me tell you it sucks!!! Especially when you know the guy likes you! AHHHHH!!!! Ok, sorry about the slight two sentence rant and scream, but it was really bugging me, and still is.... What I want to know is, is he asking me to hang out as friends and hoping it turns into a date, or does he really just want to be friends???? People confuse me!! or maybe I'm overthinking it... I tend to do that...

Obsession #6
I know I've mentioned Disney multiple times in the past blogs, and now you really get to read how much I really do love it! To start off, I've been going to Disney once about every 2 years since I was 9 months old. I'm 19 now, you do the math... My room is themed after Tinker Bell, and if you look carefully around my house you can find all of the subtle Disney things in each room. And mind you, when I say each room I mean EVERY room in the house has something Disney related in it. Also, I know all of the words to basically EVERY Disney song! Go ahead, test me, i dare you!

1 comment:

  1. Eh? What's this about boys you young whippersnapper? Aren't you too young to be dating? :D
