Saturday, August 6, 2011

I Told You It Was Completely Legit!

Okay, I'm bringing up another obsession of mine so bear with me.
#1 Buffy the Vampire Slayer
I've been watching Buffy since it came out when I was a kid, but I haven't watched it in years! About a year ago My friend referenced it, and I caught the reference and we started discussing it. He then let me borrow all of the seasons of it and I watched them a quickly found my love for the show all over again. I then asked my parents for all of the Buffy seasons for Christmas. I got all but two of them so I searched for months to find them both. I found one of them pretty quickly, but I didn't find the second one til just recently. Since then I've been watching the episodes a lot. Tonight my friend yet again referenced my favorite episode of Buffy: Once More With Feeling. This happens to be the musical episode of Buffy in which Zander summons a demon that makes you dance and sing. I promptly put some of the Lyrics as my facebook status and a friend of mine commented. We then decided to revive this musical with me as Buffy, her as Dawn, and we'd ask James Marsters to return to the role of Spike, because come on, who doesn't wanna make out with James Marsters at the end of a musical?

1 comment:

  1. I would freaking love to make out with James Marsters. He is amazing!
