Saturday, August 13, 2011

It's Raining, It's Pouring

Rain. Some of my favorite moments in my life and in my favorite movies happened in the rain. For instance in my favorite chick flick The Notebook my favorite scene is on the docks by Noah Calhoun's home when He and Allie have gotten back from a boat ride at it's basically him telling he he still loves her and they embrace and make out in the rain. Yes, I'm aware of how cheesey this is but I am a fan of the cheesey moments in life and in movies.
Another Favorite rain scene of mine occurs in Rocky Horror. Brad and Janet's car has broken down and they of course burst into song as they find their way to Dr. Frankenfurter's mansion.
Let's not forget the EPICNESS that is the Battle of Helm's Deep, which ALSO happened in the rain!
Today I was out bike riding with my dear cousin Sierra and we are on our way back to her home. We are maybe fifteen minuets from her house and the sky completely opened up and poured rain! We were soaked, but it was so much fun to ride my bike out in the rain!
I'll admit I love the rain, and I've always dreamed of having a very meaningful kiss in the rain, maybe one day that will happen, but for now it's a dream that involves one of my favorite things: RAIN.

1 comment:

  1. That's Right! She's a wonderful cousin :)
    from what i hear at least :)
