Saturday, September 3, 2011

My Life is a Movie

So I know I mentioned waaaaay back when that I am involved with a group of people who make full length films for fun.Well, today we are filming at my home. We are currently filming a movie called "Autumn", which is about the effects one girl's death has on many people's lives.  And we are filming in my backyard, which in the movie is the backyard of the coke addict's home. We are also in the middle of filming a five part short called "Night of the Clowns" in which we all get tortured by clowns, creepy clowns, REALLY CREEPY CLOWNS. Did I mention my freakish fear of clowns? Like I see a clown and I cry in a corner. But after a while they aren't creepy because I know the guys behind the make up. Speaking of the movie group, we just had a premiere! It was for our movie "Tower Phi", which is about a killer in a fraternity.
So let's start from the very beginning, a very good place to start.... How did I meet these wonderful people that have become my best friends? Well I'm glad you asked. I originally met them because of an audition for an Indie film for a movie called "Mach" by Mike Simek. Kevin Greene, who is our writer, director, and creator of our production company Achieving Movement, was at these auditions looking for more actors for his movies with Achieving Movement. Kevin saw my audition and wanted me to play a role in his movie 9TEEN. Kevin contacted me a few days after the audition while I was downtown with some friends. I had originally gotten a text message from a friend saying "hey this guy wants your number can I give it to him?" Before I even get the chance to tell him yes I get a text message from some kid named Kevin Greene saying "Hi, I saw you at the Mach auditions and I want you to play a role in my movie" So, I said yes, and here I am, letting them film in my backyard and watching Kevin snort powdered sugar.
Obsession #7
The O.C.
So I recently started watching The O.C. because Kevin Greene decided that I needed to study their acting and take some notes. Not only do I agree that the acting is phenomenal, but this show has become addicting!

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