Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My Head Says One Thing But My Heart Says Another...

Ever had that happen? Your head is being the reasonable one and your heart is being reckless? I'm in that situation currently, with college. I spent a the first semester of my freshmen year at a wonderful school in Indiana. I felt truly at home in this place. I met some of the best friends of my life, I was surrounded by loving Christians like myself, it was absolutely wonderful, until I took on too much and had to leave. I am now at a community college and have a chance to go to Columbia College in Chicago to study Theater, which like I said in one of my previous blogs is my passion. Columbia is known for it's theater program and i could make so many connections to help with my career in the future, but part of me still wants to be at that wonderful school in Indiana. I have no idea where I am supposed to be. Am I supposed to be at this school surrounded by a christian community, or am I supposed to be at his great college that is known for Theater? I suppose only God knows at this point and he is not letting me in on it right now, but I really wish he would.

1 comment:

  1. Lots of prayer Allie-wal. I be praying for you too! He'll reveal it in due time.
