Sunday, July 31, 2011

Do you want to be a Cyberman?

Passions. What are yours? What are mine? What passions does that girl at the table by the window at Starbucks have? No matter what they are, we all have them, just like insecurities and fears. My passions seem to lay in the artsy fartsy field. I have a love of the theater, a love of music, and a love of writing (hence the blog).
Theater. I didn't discover my love of theater until my sophomore year of High School. I had tried out for shows my freshmen year and didn't make it and was just trying out because I thought it would be fun, then I was actually put in a show. It was the fall play of my sophomore year and I hadn't been cast, but a week before the show I was approached by my English teacher, who was directing the show, and was told that someone had quit and she wanted me to replace her. Thankfully I was just a voice in some kid's head so I could read from the script, but the night of my first show was a thrill, I was so happy to be doing what I was doing, so naturally I auditioned for the next show, and the next one, and the next one, quickly realizing that I wanted to be onstage the rest of my life. People always ask, "Why Theater?" My answer: "It's an escape. I am able to experience new things, and I can get away from reality for a little while and be a completely different person and figure out what it's like to be in their shoes. A lot of the time a role will put something in my life in a whole new perspective for me and it is truly an amazing experience."
Music! Music is another great passion of mine that I've actually had a hold of my entire life, I  think I came out singing! I've been singing since I could speak and I can't imagine not being able to sing. Music screams the words I am afraid to speak. To me, being able to sing to someone how I feel is so much easier than straight up telling them. It's the only I'll ever be able to say "I'm not as together as you think I am" or "I'm so not perfect, but I'm me and that's ok." In the immortal words of Eddplant, "...If it needs to be said then say it, if it needs to be sung don't hesitate..." Singing is sometimes the only way to express something, and when I sing or play my guitar I don't hesitate.
Last but definitely not least is writing. My passion for writing is not as strong as that for music and theater, but the passion is still there, if it weren't I don't think I'd be writing this blog. I didn't really discover my passion for writing until my Junior year of HS. I was sitting in a class one day bored, so I wrote a poem, which the turned into monologues, which then turned into stories, which then turned into movie scripts. It's all for fun and I will probably never actually make my scripts into movies, I'll leave the script writing and carrying out to Kevin Greene (Basically the head of Achieving Movement productions)
So, what's your passion or passions? Are they similar to mine or completely different? Whatever they are don;t stop pursuing them, because if you didn't pursue what you love then what kind of world would we live in? I'll tell you! A world where Cybermen ruled and we all thought the same and looked the same and did all the same things! Boring world right?

1 comment:

  1. SAME PASSIONS ALLIE ELSIE! <3 I love music and theater and writing and bow ties! i also love drawing and cybermen... eww!!
    can i say, i LOVE the Doctor Who <3
