Thursday, July 26, 2012

He Rises

Ok, I know I haven't written in quite some time but now is as good a time as any to start up again. And how shall I start? By reviewing The Dark Knight Rises, duh! For all of you that know me I've seen the movie three times within the week that it has been out, so I think a review is in order.
SPOILER ALERT!!!! Don't continue reading if you don't wanna know what happens.
Ok, let's start with Bane. The first time I saw the movie I was like what the hell is wrong with his voice?!?!?!?! It was so uppity and "Do you want some crumpets with your tea?". However, the second time I saw the movie I actually liked it. Yes it was what I said, but I realized that Bane is a highly intelligent character. If you read Batman comics you know Bane is one of the scariest villains because he is not only physically scary, but mentally he could kick Sheldon Coopers butt at trivia. I did not like that with him being as scary as he is that one blast from the Bat Bike and he was down for the count.
Bruce Wayne/Batman. This movie was obviously about Bruce Wayne's redemption. This was portrayed extremely well, especially with The Pit. Him climbing up the pit, to me, was not only the physically Dark Knight Rising, but Bruce going to his redemption. I loved what they did with the ending of the movie with The Batman sacrificing himself for Gotham. This again was part of the redemption plot.
Selina Kyle/ Catwoman. Ok, I have to admit I was really nervous about Anne Hathaway playing this role. I know she is a very versatile actress, but it is still an iconic role and I couldn't help but worry. She nailed the role. I was so pleasantly surprised. I think one of my favorite moments in the film was in the begining when we see her speaking to Bruce and she goes form sweet and shy to I am so not one to be trifled with.
Commissioner Gordon. The only way they really used The Commissioner was to bring out the truth about Harvey Dent, which yes, needed to come out, but I was sad that there wasn't more of him. That being because I LOVE Gary Oldman.
Blake/Robin. I'd like to start with I love Joseph-Gordon Levitt. He is an extremley talented actor. I liked what they did with the character of Blake. He never gave up hope, and that in itself is amazing.  Plus I enjoyed how Bruce left all of the Batman things for him and basically said "Do with this as you wish".
Miranda Tate/ Talia Al Ghul. While sitting in the theater and listening to Bruce Wayne think that Bane was the child of Ra's Al Ghul I was like, "NO! Ra's Al Ghul had a GIRL!!!! Bane can't be his kid!" I sat there and slowly determined that Miranda had to be Talia. Watching the movie three times I caught a shot that really kind of gives it away that she is not as nice as we all thought. She is standing in a slightly darkened room and it is a close up on the side of her face, she has a slight grin that is almost impossible to notice, but it is completely evil.
Alfred. Alfred ripped my heart out when he left. It just wasn't the same without Alfred, however I think it was a good choice to have Alfred leave and come back for the funeral of Bruce. I also loved that they did do the scene in Florence where Alfred sees Bruce and Selina, living the life they never could in Gotham.
Overall it was a truely amazing movie and I couldn't be happier about how Nolan did this film.

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