Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Let's play catch up

It's been some time since I've written and well a lot has happened. The last time I wrote was when The Dark Knight Rises came out...a year and a half ago. Ok, let's see... I finally got my butt away from the land called Joliet Junior College and am now a proud resident at Lewis University where I am still studying theatre. Since I last wrote I have done a few shows that I am quite proud of. I was in a production of The Mystery of Edwin Drood where I played The Princess Puffer, an opium dealing prostitute. Now aside from playing Juliet this is my biggest role to date. I got three song all to myself, plus a duet! After that i directed a one act which was a scene from The Matchmaker. This was my first experience directing and It was pretty great. I enjoyed getting to have a vision and make it happen. Over this past summer I was a part of Legally Blonde the Musical at Lewis University where I played Enid Hoops, the lesbian law student. That's right, I played a lesbian, and almost the entire show I had to stare at a girls butt, luckily within the first few days this girl and I became really good friends, as a matter of fact, Rachel has become one of my best friends. I honestly have no idea what I would have done without her keeping me sane this semester. I also worked on a show called She Kills Monsters, which is basically like a huge game of Dungeons and Dragons. For those who know me at all, I love D&D! My fiance got me addicted to it soon after we started dating. Sadly I was not onstage for this show but I was backstage helping with quick changes, one of which involved taking red off of a guys face, and then reapplying it, within 10 min altogether. It was crazy!
Obsession #12
I have a right to this one! I am currently planning my wedding and the obsession is getting out of control! I watch wedding shows like Say Yes to the Dress far too much since I have had my wedding dress for about a year.
Oh well, Allonsy!
Stay Classy Readers!