Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Do I hear wedding bells?

Yea, wedding bells... I'm a little shocked too. I'm ENGAGED! How crazy is that? A few months ago I was convinced I would be married to my career and be a lonely dog lady, but here I am, engaged to a wonderful man who loves me. When am I getting married you ask? In June of 2014! Two years away, but still close. I am going wedding dress and bridesmaids dress shopping in a few weeks! I am so excited! I want a lace wedding dress. Lace is sexy and completely classy all at once, how could I go wrong? How did he propose? Well, we were at Easter dinner with my family and he was talking about a sermon he had heard in church that morning and it pointed out that things that have to do with Easter represent new life, when all of a sudden he is on one knee next to me asking me to marry him! Yes, I cried, and obviously said yes. Now we are planning our wedding and I can't wait for it to happen!
         In other news, my brother is moving out of state. He got accepted to Boston University where the mascot is, get this, a Boston Terrier! If you know my family at all we used to have a Boston Terrier name Mecko. He was the cutest little dog ever, but we sadly lost him the summer before I started college. I convinced Shane (the fiance) that when we get a dog it will be a Boston Terrier. His only condition for that is that we get two cats, which I have no issues with.

Obsession # 11
I have an obsession with the new TV show Smash. It is about people putting together a musical about Marilyn Monroe! The music in it has been phenomenal! Not only have they done a few covers of songs, but the original music has blown me away. The writers for this how know exactly what they are doing. My personal favorite songs are "Let me be your star" and "Second Hand White Baby Grand". If you haven't watched it at all I suggest you catch up before the season finale!

Allonsy! Take care readers!